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The Walking Dead

Spiritual death supplies empty substance used to power empty actions that fulfill an unwanted life. 

You can hurt someone so bad that your words literally have no meaning, and your promises are cold empty monochromatic symbols. Looking through rose colored glasses with a monochromatic soul clouds visions of hope.

The world sees a smile while I swallow sorrowful cries to survive. 

Are you walking to be alive? Have a life? Or just survive?

Walking Dead to Live. 

The world sees it as responsiblity because you live without thriving. Goals slowly dying hiding behind smiles and grinding.  Is grinding a goal?

Walking through life with dead dreams. 

Resuscitate a heart that's been abused get it ready to be used.  Revive your sipirt to thrive not survive. PALM.  (pause and let that marinate).

Walking dead through the pain. Setting goals I will obtain.

Walking dead through the lies.  Tranparently changing lives.

Walking dead through the pride.
My choices have obligated me to survive.

Walking Dead: a means of walking through hardships to survive life without physical death, but the feeling of a numb soul. Usually occuring with a trivial experience that causes the body to fight when wanting to flight due to obligation through spiritual belief or tangible motivation.  

For example, when realizing I would become a homeless mother of 2 kids I was walking dead to reach a point that would give my children a key to a home of their own.


Walking Dead looks pretty to most but is noticeable to the other walking dead. 

Resuscitate each other by sharing the truths that broke you.


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