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The Emotion of Success

The shear emotion of driving away is enough to devastate a month of achievements. 

Social media glamorizes the hard work and tears of entrepreneurs but what's the real deal?

An inside look to the emotion behind the posts.

A mother, a mentor, a business owner, a teacher, a head of household, a community leader.... a ... everything! AAAARRRGggghhhhh titles! That's how I feel when people introduce me, I hate titles but they are so necessary for your credibility.

Why? Hate titles? people go to school to be titled a Doctor, a Master of content, a Lawyer, people take tests to be labeled a Specialist... I did. So why do I hate titles so much?

Here's the Truth...

A leader has moments of weaknesses when all their "hats" of responsibility in the professional world are off, a leader is still a leader and wants to lead their family with just as much fidelity as it took to earn those titles. 

The guilt of not being able to cook dinner because the board meeting took longer than usual, society sees the success, not the heart of a leader. The shear emotion of driving away from home for that weekend business trip. 

Am I Insane? Am I the only one on this journey that cries to a higher power asking for his protection over my kids as I have to drag them yet again to another event, or have to tuck them in before heading out to another meeting.  This success, this journey comes with some sacrifice are you ready?

I want the success, but the journey is the hard part. Social media makes the posts look successful but did anyone stop to ask me what success looked like to me? 

Social media posts, to me, are the journey; whereas the success, to me, are not the moments my camera is out but, the memories and ability to create them [memories]. 

Public Platforms, like social media, are for titles to oohh and aaahhh over but, the truth is my success is judged by the moment I can spend time with my boys... here's the mental health strain...

I battle depression, and anxiety, my accomplishments are a reflection of the winning battle I face everyday. I cry when I know my toddler goes to bed with his dad instead of me, I'm sad when I miss my son's game because I'm shooting a commercial. 

These are the moments that makes the journey to my goal of success hard. 

How do you survive the emotion of success? 

I remind myself it is not in vain, as you should too!  You know when you put on that pressed suit in the morning, and have all your pamphlets and presentations proofread for that board meeting... 

I remind myself that the journey of this hard work is only an example to my home so that when the success of us getting those moments together to travel without cameras and just enjoy each other I am reminded that I can survive that emotional work put into reaching my success.

Be encouraged my entrepreneurs, my goal setters, my parents wanting more for their families... your success comes with every moment you can enjoy the ones you love and the emotion of the journey and hard work will be more manageable...

But! Whatever you do ... do NOT ... I repeat do NOT... give up on ... not your dreams but, YOU! 

xo, Lisa

LisaAnn Curvy Model in Skorch Magazine
"The Journey" not the "The Succes"


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