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Showing posts from October, 2011

To the "Hood" I am accomplished; To America I am just another "Hood" girl

Do you ever feel every time you try harder something makes you want to give up even more?... I have forgiven, taught, mentored, prayed, and self-reflected...I believe it is said (somewhere) that first-step to true self growth/accomplishment is self-reflection. Self-reflection should, in return, lead to self-betterment. Sure! This all sounds so easy, but tell me world what happens when your doing things better, living life the most "moral (based on christian views)" way you know how, but yet, you still struggle. Struggle , like how do I forgive a past that upsets my journey often? How do I pay a bill with lack of cash flow? How do I improve a college credit score, with a teacher step? How do I provide for a child, when I struggle to pay rent? How do motivate students when with a Master's I go home and hope the light's are on?  This is not a blog of anger, or malice. I am just trying let out the questions I struggle with.. Hello world, "Am I Insane?...