Absence Makes the Heart Grow Colder... shading the pain to feel the warmth is what takes strength. The foundation of building a relationship is presence and consistency. Absenteeism of structure, love, trust, & dependency creates a heart of cold thoughts struggling to connect to the soul foundation of being able to love and accept love. Absence of safety in a child creates a distrust for growth, I don't see it making the heart fonder, but maybe the soul stronger... Does a child want to be strong or comforted? We celebrate strength but too much strength in the absence of the soul's necessities creates frigid conditions for the warmth of love. Absence of parenthood in a young adult, absence of support and mentorship, absence of relationship building will scare the heart and make the individual less fonder of finding trust. Happiness will mean fear, and relationship building will crumble. Absence makes the heart grow fonder of dis...